Snow Pigeon

Columba leuconota (Vigors, 1831)

Белогрудый голубь | ак төш көгүчкөнү 


Snow Pigeon looks similar to Hill Pigeon, but differs from it and other Pigeons of Kyrgyzstan by presence of white color in plumage. White all of underparts and upperparts from neck to uppertail and dark wings, head, and tail well indicate Snow Pigeon in flight not only from other species of Pigeons, but from all other birds of highlands. There is white tail band of shape of blunt angle to the base of tail. (Meklenburtsev, 1951; Ivanov, 1969)


Generally Snow Pigeon in Kyrgyzstan was recorded mostly in Alai ridge. Here Pigeons were shot at May 25, 1893 in Tengizbai pass (3770 m) and at July 03, 1893 in Karakazyk pass (4480 m) (Ivanov, 1969). Its were first records of Snow Pigeons in Turkestan, and generally to Russian Empire. Most recent records of Snow Pigeon are related to summer of 1985, when E.D.Shukurov during 5 days found 4 Pigeons in mountains of Alai ridge, and 3 ones in north slope of Chonalai ridge. Birds were observed in altitude 3000-3330 m. Nest with eggs was found by E.D.Shukurov at June 14, 1985 in canyon of northern slope of Chonalai ridge in altitude 3200 m. Author indicated to location of nest as a typical to Blue Whistling Thrush. Also in 1980th Snow Pigeon was recorded in Tien-Shan - in Dolon pass (A.Kadyraliev), in Akkyya pass (E.D.Shukurov) (Ornitologia, iss 23, 1988, p 225-226). In Zaalai ridge S.V.Kulagin observed Snow Pigeon several years ago in Ichke Suu, close to Lenin Peak area.


Biology of this species in Turkestan is ablsolutely unknown, due to very small number of this bird in region.


Птицы Советского Союза. Москва, 1951, Птицы России и сопредельных регионов.