Clamorous Reed Warbler

Acrocephalus stentoreus (Hemprich et Ehrenberg, 1833)

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Clamorous Reed Warbler is a large Thrush-sized warbler. Both male and female in spring plumage have plain unstreaked olive-brown upperparts with slightly rufous tinge expressed on the uppertail. The underparts are whitish-buffy. The flanks, underwings and undertail are brownish. Supercilium is light buffy-brown. The forehead is flattened. In autumn in fresh plumage it has more of buffy tone. The bill is strong and pointed, dark brown with light base of lower mandible; legs are brownish. It is resemble the Great Reed Warbler, with which was formerly treated as conspecific; but is distinguished by richer color of underparts. Juveniles are similar on adults but with brightly rusty-buffy tones especially on underparts. Weight about 29 grams, length 180-200, wing 84-91, tail 75-86 mm.


The Clamorous Reed Warbler is common, in places abundant breeding migrant. It inhabits the tall and medium-sized reed beds on the rivers, lakes, pounds and irrigation channels, both small and vast on plains and in foothills up to 1200 m. On migration it rarely occurs in forest-belts. It appears in mid-April – early May. It breeds in separate pairs on 10-30 m one from another. Nest is built for about a week on the several reed stems from the dry reed leaves, sometimes mixed with green water-plant and reed leaves' strips, sheep hair, cotton wool, and is lined with reed strips and hair. Clutches of 3-5 eggs found in end May – mid-June. No other data about nesting existed. The Clamorous Reed Warbler is more often heard than seen, but will be observed at times climbing among reeds and other water vegetation. Makes short low flights across water. Near Tashkent latest autumn birds recorded in end September (and even 21 October 1908).


"Птицы Казахстана" том 4. "Наука", Алма-Ата. 1972. Gavrilov E. I., Gavrilov A. E. "The Birds of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2005. Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана". Алматы, 1999. А.Ф.Ковшарь "Певчие птицы". Алма-Ата, "Кайнар", 1983.