Taiga Flycatcher

Ficedula albicilla (Pallas, 1811)

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It is similar in size and appearance to the European pied flycatcher (Ficedula parva), which it used to be considered a subspecies of. Male albicilla has a small reddish patch only on the throat, bordered below by a gray stripe. Females are very similar. Unlike the female European pied flycatcher, which has a yellow color at the base of the bill, the eastern one has a completely black bill. Additionally, the European pied flycatcher has more pronounced ochre tones on the underside of the body, while the eastern one is lighter and whitish underneath.


Breeds on Western Altai in upper course of Belaya Uba river and in upper reach of Bukhtarma river near Uryl village, where juvenile with adult recorded 21 July 2001. Probably this race occurs on migration in eastern part of territory of Kazakhstan, from Naurzum Reserve, Mugodzhary ridge and Northern Trans-Aral area; westward to Ust-Kamenogorsk, South Trans-Balkhash area and Almaty. In 25-27 October 1998 one bird observed in Aksu-Dzhabagly Reserve, in Dzhabagly settlement. On Chokpak Station two juveniles ringed 16 September and 1 October 2005.


Rare breeding migrant. It inhabits deciduous and mixed forests in mountains up to 1300 m in Altai. On migration visits bush thickets, man-made forests and groves. It arrives in end of April - early May; poor flight finishes in end of May. Nest is built in tree (in Siberia mostly in tree holes) at 0.1-1.1 m above ground; nest is from moss, dry grass, bast, thin rootlets, and is lined with poplar fluff, hair and feathers. Only female builds nest. Clutches of 4-7 eggs founded in end of May - mid-June. Broods recorded in end June - late July. Only one nest is known for Kazakhstan. Autumn migration passes from the end of August, majority of birds fly out in September, latest migrants recorded in mid - end October.


Рябицев В.К. (общ. ред.). Птицы Средней Азии: справочник-определитель: в 2 т. Москва; Екатеринбург: Кабинетный ученый, 2019
Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана". Алматы, 1999.
Gavrilov E. I., Gavrilov A. E. "The Birds of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2005