

Alpine Swift

Apus melba (Linnaeus, 1758)

Белобрюхий стриж | ак боор карлыгач
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2016-04-25 = 2023-07-08

2023-07-08 | Bishkek | Elena Mikolaichuk | Apus melba

2023-05-01 | Chui region Chon-Aryk | Gennadii Zakirov | Apus melba

2023-03-27 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2023-02-24 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2022-06-11 | Bishkek | Pavel Isayenko | Apus melba

2022-05-18 | Bishkek Ozornoe | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2022-04-23 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2021-04-24 | | Aziza Abdurakhmanova | Apus melba

2021-04-09 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2021-04-03 | Bishkek Ozornoe | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2021-03-22 | Osh | Philippe Campeau | Apus melba

2020-05-23 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Apus melba

2020-05-12 | Bishkek | Philippe Campeau | Apus melba

2020-04-05 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Apus melba

2020-04-05 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2020-03-21 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2020-03-10 | Bishkek | Pjotr Trommel | Apus melba

2019-03-20 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Apus melba

2018-05-22 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Apus melba

2016-05-26 | Chon Aryk village, Chuy Valley | Irina Romanovskaia | Apus melba

2016-04-28 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Apus melba

2016-04-25 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Apus melba


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