Songar Tit
Parus songarus (Severtzov, 1873)
Джунгарская гаичка | тоодогу кашка чымчык
In case of filtering by the authors the points on the map show only places of photoshoots of the selected author,
in case of seasonal sorting the points on map show only places of series of photos shooted in the selected month,
in case of sorting by date points on map show places of shooting of all series.
2013-10-17 = 2023-08-19
2023-08-19 | Chon-Jargylchak | Jérémie Berlioux | Parus songarus
2023-06-30 | | Elena Bobachenko | Parus songarus
2022-12-10 | Karakol ski base | Jérémie Berlioux | Parus songarus
2021-12-30 | Jety Oguz, Issyk Kul | Katherine Hall | Parus songarus
2021-07-24 | | Philippe Campeau | Parus songarus
2021-06-04 | | Aziza Abdurakhmanova | Parus songarus
2020-12-30 | | Philippe Campeau | Parus songarus
2020-12-27 | | Philippe Campeau | Parus songarus
2013-10-17 | Kungey Ala-too, Chon Ak-suu gorge, Issyk-kul region | Sergey Toropov | Parus songarus