

Laughing Dove

Streptopelia senegalensis (Linnaeus, 1766)

Малая горлица | мисче
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2024-02-07 = 2024-03-29
2023-01-05 = 2023-07-22
2022-01-12 = 2022-11-23
2021-01-05 = 2021-11-08
2020-01-17 = 2020-08-03
2019-02-21 = 2019-11-12
2018-01-15 = 2018-05-19
2017-04-06 = 2017-05-06
2013-11-23 = 2013-11-28

2020-08-03 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-05-08 | Bishkek | Philippe Campeau | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-04-30 | | Myrzabek Ozubekov | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-04-28 | Bishkek | Philippe Campeau | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-04-28 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-04-28 | Bishkek | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-04-05 | Sosnovka, Kyrgyzstan | Nickolay Kunchenko | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-03-18 | | Elvira Gazieva | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-03-11 | Uzgen | Myrzabek Ozubekov | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-02-22 | Bishkek Ozernoe | Pjotr Trommel | Streptopelia senegalensis

2020-01-17 | | Elvira Gazieva | Streptopelia senegalensis


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