

Common Chaffinch

Fringilla coelebs (Linnaeus, 1758)

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2024-01-05 = 2024-02-02
2023-01-05 = 2023-12-20
2022-01-03 = 2022-12-18
2021-01-04 = 2021-12-06
2020-01-07 = 2020-12-06
2019-01-03 = 2019-12-17
2018-01-29 = 2018-12-21
2017-01-24 = 2017-12-22

2019-12-17 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Fringilla coelebs

2019-12-14 | tamga | Myrzabek Ozubekov | Fringilla coelebs

2019-11-26 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Fringilla coelebs

2019-10-13 | Ozernoe | Philippe Campeau | Fringilla coelebs

2019-10-12 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Fringilla coelebs

2019-10-06 | Bishkek | Philippe Campeau | Fringilla coelebs

2019-10-04 | Bishkek | Philippe Campeau | Fringilla coelebs

2019-09-28 | Chong Kemin | Philippe Campeau | Fringilla coelebs

2019-03-30 | Issyk Kul region | Chingiz Samudin uulu | Fringilla coelebs

2019-03-23 | Issyk Kul region | Chingiz Samudin uulu | Fringilla coelebs

2019-02-21 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Fringilla coelebs

2019-02-21 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Fringilla coelebs

2019-02-19 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Fringilla coelebs

2019-02-15 | my orchard | Nurlan Kalchinov | Fringilla coelebs

2019-01-24 | Kashka-suu, Chuy region | Tatiana Menshikova | Fringilla coelebs

2019-01-19 | | Nurzhan Alymkanova | Fringilla coelebs

2019-01-03 | | Irina Romanovskaia | Fringilla coelebs


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