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Ozernoe, Issyk-kul region |
© Irina Romanovskaia
Common breeding migrant. Inhabits in reed-beds and willow thickets on shores of fresh or slightly salty lakes, pounds and slow rivers. Appears in end of March to April in southern areas, and from April to early May in northern ones. Migration finishes in end of May. Breeds in separate pairs. Nest is located in reed-bed or in floating reed stems; nest is constructed from strips of old reed leaves, often the base of nest contacts the the water. Clutches of 6-9 eggs is laid from May to late June. Only female has the brood patch. Broods were recorded in end of September, what suggests the possibility of two broods per year. Autumn migration begins in end of August. From northern areas birds disappears in end of September, in southern areas occurs up to mid-November.
Gavrilov E. I., Gavrilov A. E. "The Birds of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2005.
Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана". Алматы, 1999.
В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Урала, Приуралья и Западной Сибири". Екатеринбург. Изд-во Уральского университета, 2000.