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Eastern Orphean Warbler

Sylvia hortensis (J.F.Gmelin, 1789)

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Bishkek, Chui region
© Ivan Turkovskiy


Common breeding migrant. Inhabits the bushes on gentle slopes, the deciduous and juniper light forests with bushes, and the hedges of mountain villages, at altitudes 1000-2200 m. On migration very rare occurs in foothills. Appears in end of April – early May; latest migrants observed in mid-May. Breeds in separate pairs at distance 50-70 m one from another. Nest is located in bush (juniper, honeysuckle, meadow-sweet, almond-tree, dog-rose) at height 0.3-3.5 m above the ground; for 4-5 days nest is built by both partners from bast-strips, grass stems and is lined with thin honeysuckle bast-strips. Clutch of 3-5 eggs is laid in mid-May to early July. Both parents incubate clutch for 11-12 days, and feed offspring which fledges at age 11 days old, in end of June - July. Autumn migration begins in early August, latest birds recorded in early-mid September.


Gavrilov E. I., Gavrilov A. E. "The Birds of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2005. Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана". Алматы, 1999. Рябицев В. К., Ковшарь А. Ф., Ковшарь В. А., Березовиков Н. Н. «Полевой определитель птиц Казахстана», Алматы, 2014.


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