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winter plumage
Cholpon-Ata |
© Irina Romanovskaia
Common breeding migrant. Inhabits lakes richly covered with surface vegetation and smaller lakes, some almost entirely covered by reed-beds. Prefers lakes in which reed-beds alternate with small spaces of open water. Appears at end March - early May. Migrates singly, in pairs or small flocks of up to 4-6 birds. Breeds in single pairs not close one another. Nesting begins late April - June. Floating nests from decayed stems and leaves are built among vegetation, but they are more often fastened to reed stalks. Clutches of 3-6 eggs, usually 3, less often of 4-5; found from early May – mid-June. Both parents incubate for 23 days. Brood juveniles noted from early June to mid August. Autumn migration occurs mainly in September; latest birds observed end October – first 10 days of November.
Gavrilov E. I., Gavrilov A. E. "The Birds of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2005. Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана". Алматы, 1999. В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Урала, Приуралья и Западной Сибири". Екатеринбург. Изд-во Уральского университета, 2000.