20 724
blog posts
352 photographed species of 407 (86%)


Big Year 2024

The winner will submit the pictures of the largest number of bird species taken on the territory of Kyrgyzstan during this year.

You can see previous years competitions results here: 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


* number inside brackets means the number of species photographed in 2024
12. Liakh Iuliia (2)

all species photographed in 2024

* in order of appearance (number inside brackets means the date of first record "month-day" )
1. Mute Swan (2024-01-04)
2. Whooper Swan (2024-01-04)
3. Bewick's Swan (2024-01-04)
4. Mallard (2024-01-04)
5. Gadwall (2024-01-04)
6. Common Teal (2024-01-04)
7. Common Shelduck (2024-01-04)
8. Common Goldeneye (2024-01-04)
9. Caspian Gull (2024-01-04)
10. Hooded Crow (2024-01-04)
11. Horned Lark (2024-01-04)
12. Common Sparrowhawk (2024-01-04)
13. Eurasian Jackdaw (2024-01-04)
14. Great Tit (2024-01-05)
15. Black-throated Thrush (2024-01-05)
16. Common Chaffinch (2024-01-05)
17. Eurasian Blackbird (2024-01-05)
18. Rock Pigeon (2024-01-05)
19. Eurasian Magpie (2024-01-05)
20. Common Pochard (2024-01-05)
21. Black-headed Gull (2024-01-05)
22. Great Crested Grebe (2024-01-05)
23. Tufted Duck (2024-01-05)
24. Little Grebe (2024-01-05)
25. Black-Necked Grebe (2024-01-05)
26. Common Coot (2024-01-05)
27. Azure Tit (2024-01-05)
28. White-browed Tit-Warbler (2024-01-06)
29. Black-breasted Tit (2024-01-07)
30. Black-throated Accentor (2024-01-08)
31. Mew Gull (2024-01-08)
32. Eurasian Wigeon (2024-01-08)
33. Red-billed Chough (2024-01-09)
34. Goosander (2024-01-09)
35. Red-crested Pochard (2024-01-09)
36. Common Kestrel (2024-01-09)
37. Tree Sparrow (2024-01-10)
38. Red-fronted Serin (2024-01-10)
39. Carrion Crow (2024-01-10)
40. Eurasian Siskin (2024-01-10)
41. Grey-headed Goldfinch (2024-01-12)
42. Pygmy Cormorant (2024-01-14)
43. Bohemian Waxwing (2024-01-14)
44. Smew (2024-01-14)
45. Great Grey Shrike (2024-01-14)
46. Dalmatian Pelican (2024-01-14)
47. Northern Reed Bunting (2024-01-14)
48. Great Cormorant (2024-01-14)
49. Brambling (2024-01-14)
50. Western Marsh-Harrier (2024-01-14)
51. Northern Wren (2024-01-14)
52. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2024-01-14)
53. Coal Tit (2024-01-17)
54. Goldcrest (2024-01-17)
55. Meadow Bunting (2024-01-18)
56. Meadow Pipit (2024-01-20)
57. Green Sandpiper (2024-01-20)
58. Rough-legged Buzzard (2024-01-20)
59. Eurasian Collared Dove (2024-01-20)
60. Brown Accentor (2024-01-20)
61. Red-mantled Rosefinch (2024-01-20)
62. Eastern Buzzard (2024-01-20)
63. White-winged Grosbeak (2024-01-22)
64. Rook (2024-01-27)
65. Common Buzzard (2024-01-27)
66. Guldenstadt's Redstart (2024-01-27)
67. Eversmann's Redstart (2024-01-28)
68. Mistle Thrush (2024-01-30)
69. European Robin (2024-01-30)
70. Long-eared Owl (2024-01-30)
71. Yellowhammer (2024-01-30)
72. Common Mynah (2024-01-30)
73. Great White Egret (2024-02-01)
74. Common Pheasant (2024-02-02)
75. Grey Wagtail (2024-02-02)
76. Ruddy Shelduck (2024-02-02)
77. Eurasian Dipper (2024-02-03)
78. Pallas's Sandgrouse (2024-02-03)
79. Asian Short-toed Lark (2024-02-03)
80. Common Redshank (2024-02-03)
81. Northern Lapwing (2024-02-03)
82. Pallas's Gull (2024-02-03)
83. Little Owl (2024-02-03)
84. Rock Sparrow (2024-02-04)
85. Hen Harrier (2024-02-04)
86. Crested Lark (2024-02-04)
87. Eurasian Linnet (2024-02-04)
88. Ibisbill (2024-02-04)
89. Bearded Tit (2024-02-04)
90. Chukar Partridge (2024-02-04)
91. European Greenfinch (2024-02-05)
92. Laughing Dove (2024-02-07)
93. Brown Dipper (2024-02-11)
94. Grey Heron (2024-02-22)
95. Common Starling (2024-02-22)
96. Yellow-breasted Tit (2024-02-23)
97. Ferruginous Duck (2024-03-01)
98. Lammergeier (2024-03-02)
99. Wallcreeper (2024-03-04)
100. Long-legged Buzzard (2024-03-06)
101. House Sparrow (2024-03-08)
102. Red-breasted Merganser (2024-03-09)
103. Northern Pintail (2024-03-15)
104. Northern Shoveler (2024-03-15)
105. Water Pipit (2024-03-15)
106. Cinereous Vulture (2024-03-15)
107. Masked Wagtail (2024-03-17)
108. Rock Bunting (2024-03-18)
109. Turkestan Shrike (2024-03-19)
110. Pied Wheatear (2024-03-19)
111. Isabelline Wheatear (2024-03-19)
112. Little Ringed Plover (2024-03-23)
113. Black Kite (2024-03-23)
114. Common Kingfisher (2024-03-23)
115. Citrine Wagtail (2024-03-23)
116. Isabelline Shrike (2024-03-23)
117. White Wagtail (2024-03-26)
118. Common Chiffchaff (2024-03-26)
119. White-Winged Woodpecker (2024-03-27)
120. Northern Wheatear (2024-04-04)
121. Common Stonechat (2024-04-06)
122. Pied Avocet (2024-04-07)
123. Hoopoe (2024-04-07)
124. Kentish Plover (2024-04-13)
125. Black-tailed Godwit (2024-04-13)
126. Black-winged Stilt (2024-04-13)
127. Sky Lark (2024-04-13)
128. Demoiselle Crane (2024-04-16)
129. Garganey (2024-04-16)
130. Corn Bunting (2024-04-16)
131. Himalayan Vulture (2024-04-17)
132. Golden Eagle (2024-04-19)
133. Merlin (2024-04-21)
134. Alpine Swift (2024-06-04)
135. Common Rosefinch (2024-06-08)
136. Common Crane (2024-06-08)
137. Richard's Pipit (2024-06-08)
138. Eurasian Hobby (2024-06-08)
139. Wood Pigeon (2024-06-11)
140. Barn Swallow (2024-06-15)
141. Black Stork (2024-06-15)
142. Tree Pipit (2024-08-22)
143. Eastern Imperial Eagle (2024-10-27)
144. Common Raven (2024-10-27)
145. Steppe Eagle (2024-11-02)
146. Short-eared Owl (2024-12-31)

Big Year 2025

1. Anatoliy Taran (11)

rare birds records

Taiga Flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)

© Neil and Lucy Rogers
Chong Kemin

The first confirmed record of the Taiga Flycatcher in Kyrgyzstan.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Jérémie Berlioux

First record in Kyrgyzstan.

White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)

© Pjotr Trommel
Ozyornoye, Bishkek

Very likely to be the first encounter in Kyrgyzstan, with vagrants recorded in neighbouring Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescens)

© Tatiana Menshikova
Mikhaylovka, Issyk-kul region

The first confirmed record in the Kyrgyz Republic

more rarities...

recent video

2023-07-15. Indian Golden Oriole (Gennadii Zakirov), Eurasian Magpie (Gennadii Zakirov).

2021-10-26. Little Owl (Katherine Hall).

2021-03-15. Common Buzzard (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2021-03-13. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2018-04-11. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-11-16. Black-breasted Tit (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-05. Little Owl (Ivan Turkovskiy), Common Kingfisher (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-03. Ibisbill (Ivan Turkovskiy).

more video...

unidentified birds


xxxx: плохо видно, но мне кажется это кулики либо песочники.


хххх: да. это крохаль, но скорее всего средний. длинноносый который. из за красной шеи. много лет не мог определить вид этой птицы. гугл мугл не помогад. [....]


Анатолий Таран: Курганник или Восточный канюк?


Андрей Коваленко: Скорее луговой...


no any comments:

more unidentified birds...