20 635
blog posts
351 photographed species of 406 (86%)


Rogers Neil and Lucy

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map of photoshootings

total species: 40
total photos: 140
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Barn Swallow (2019-05-07)
2. Bluethroat (2019-05-07)
3. Common Rosefinch (2019-07-24)
4. Common Whitethroat (2019-08-10)
5. Pygmy Cormorant (2019-08-18)
6. Grey Heron (2019-08-18)
7. Eurasian Blackbird (2021-04-25)
8. Blyth's Reed Warbler (2021-05-14)
9. Common Tern (2021-05-31)
10. Corn Bunting (2021-05-31)
11. Common Sandpiper (2021-05-31)
12. Common Starling (2021-05-31)
13. Common Kestrel (2021-06-07)
14. Great Cormorant (2021-06-07)
15. Blue Whistling Thrush (2021-06-14)
16. Common Cuckoo (2021-07-24)
17. Common Kingfisher (2021-09-01)
18. Blue-capped Redstart (2021-10-25)
19. Brambling (2021-11-01)
20. Common Chaffinch (2021-12-06)
21. Long-legged Buzzard (2022-01-17)
22. Brown Accentor (2022-01-18)
23. Black-throated Thrush (2022-03-06)
24. Black-throated Accentor (2022-03-30)
25. Clamorous Reed Warbler (2022-05-13)
26. Azure Tit (2022-05-14)
27. Eurasian Collared Dove (2022-05-14)
28. Common Mynah (2022-05-23)
29. Common Coot (2022-08-29)
30. Black-headed Gull (2022-08-29)
31. Eurasian Linnet (2022-08-31)
32. Lammergeier (2022-08-31)
33. Black Kite (2022-09-05)
34. Black-winged Stilt (2022-09-06)
35. Common Chiffchaff (2022-10-10)
36. Brown Dipper (2022-11-12)
37. Carrion Crow (2023-05-13)
38. Taiga Flycatcher (2023-05-25)
39. Citrine Wagtail (2023-05-26)
40. Grey Wagtail (2023-06-05)

recent uploads

2023-06-07. Black-throated Thrush.

2023-06-06. Citrine Wagtail, Grey Wagtail.

2023-05-28. Taiga Flycatcher.

2023-05-17. Long-legged Buzzard.

2023-05-16. Carrion Crow.

2023-04-17. Common Coot, Common Mynah, Common Rosefinch, Common Sandpiper, Common Starling, Common Tern, Common Whitethroat, Corn Bunting.

2023-03-20. Brambling, Common Chiffchaff, Common Coot, Pygmy Cormorant, Great Cormorant, Common Kestrel, Eurasian Linnet.

2023-03-10. Eurasian Collared Dove, Common Chaffinch.

2023-03-08. Clamorous Reed Warbler, Common Cuckoo, Common Kingfisher, Common Cuckoo, Common Kestrel.

2023-03-07. Brown Dipper, Long-legged Buzzard.

2023-03-06. Azure Tit, Barn Swallow, Lammergeier, Black-throated Accentor, Grey Heron, Black Kite, Black-throated Thrush, Black-headed Gull, Black-winged Stilt, Eurasian Blackbird, Blue-capped Redstart, Blue Whistling Thrush, Bluethroat, Brambling, Brown Accentor.

2021-05-14. Blyth's Reed Warbler.

recent comments

2023-06-07. to photo # 00540004601 (Grey Wagtail)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: Thanks Peter! I find the grey and the yellow difficult to distinguish even with the book open in front of me. The absence of a black bib fooled me. Neil

2023-06-06. to photo # 00540004604 (Grey Wagtail)

Pjotr Trommel: Hi Neil, I think it is a grey wagtail, Peter

2023-06-02. to photo # 00540004301 (Long-legged Buzzard)

Анна Ясько: Corrected.

2023-06-02. to photo # 00540004401 (Taiga Flycatcher)

Анна Ясько: New species added. I think this record should be in Rarity.

2023-06-01. to photo # 00540004403 (Taiga Flycatcher)

Анна Ясько: Congratulations!

2023-06-01. to photo # 00540004403 (Taiga Flycatcher)

Анна Ясько: Undoubtedly, this is Taiga Flycatcher. The male has an orange spot only on the throat and does not extend to the breast. The top of the head is brown, not grey.

2023-05-28. to photo # 00540004401 (Taiga Flycatcher)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: I found this one at the bridge over the Kemin River at Chong Kemin. On talking with friends who know better than me, the question is posed about whether this might be a Taiga Flycatcher.

Friends, please give your opinion.

2023-05-17. to photo # 00540004301 (Long-legged Buzzard)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: It was the right way up when I sent it!

2023-05-16. to photo # 00540004207 (Carrion Crow)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: Carrion crow with snake for breakfast. Good morning out with Peter Trommel and Dan Gilbert

2023-04-17. to photo # 00540003801 (Common Starling)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: Oops! Missed the species box!

2023-04-17. to photo # 00540003801 (Common Starling)

Pjotr Trommel: Starling

2023-04-17. to photo # 00540003907 (Common Tern)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: I apologise for these being slightly out of focus, but their aerial dance was amazing and worth sharing, even if a little blurred

2023-03-29. to photo # 00540002401 (Common Kestrel)

Анна Ясько: Когти черные - обыкновенная пустельга. Степная по срокам немного позже летит.

2023-03-10. to photo # 00540000601 (Black-throated Accentor)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: Thanks for the correction. I had originally thought it was an accentor, but Merlin was adamant it was a Redwing. Regrettably, I only got one shot of it, so nothing to compare with.

2023-03-09. to photo # 00540002107 (Common Cuckoo)

Jérémie Berlioux: Wow. This is pretty special to witness that

2023-03-08. to photo # 00540002107 (Common Cuckoo)

Philippe Campeau: Fascinating, and good shots of it!

2023-03-08. to photo # 00540000601 (Black-throated Accentor)

Philippe Campeau: This is a black-throated accentor (with the well-named black throat).

2023-03-08. to photo # 00540002101 (Common Cuckoo)

Neil and Lucy Rogers: This was amazing to watch as a clamrous reed warbler fed a young cuckoo its breakfast of dragon flies from the reed beds. I had only ever read about this, I never expected to have the privilege of watching and capturing it. Neil

2023-03-07. to photo # 00540000601 (Black-throated Accentor)

Jérémie Berlioux: Hi, would you have more photos of this cute one? It looks a bit small for a Redwing.

2023-03-07. to photo # 00540001801 (Brown Dipper)

Rogers Rogers: This was a cold morning in November with Peter Trommel who noticed the dippers, both brown and white. We also saw the Ibisbills that morning. Thank you, Peter!

rare birds records

Taiga Flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)

© Neil and Lucy Rogers
Chong Kemin

The first confirmed record of the Taiga Flycatcher in Kyrgyzstan.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Jérémie Berlioux

First record in Kyrgyzstan.

White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)

© Pjotr Trommel
Ozyornoye, Bishkek

Very likely to be the first encounter in Kyrgyzstan, with vagrants recorded in neighbouring Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescens)

© Tatiana Menshikova
Mikhaylovka, Issyk-kul region

The first confirmed record in the Kyrgyz Republic

more rarities...

recent video

2023-07-15. Indian Golden Oriole (Gennadii Zakirov), Eurasian Magpie (Gennadii Zakirov).

2021-10-26. Little Owl (Katherine Hall).

2021-03-15. Common Buzzard (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2021-03-13. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2018-04-11. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-11-16. Black-breasted Tit (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-05. Little Owl (Ivan Turkovskiy), Common Kingfisher (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-03. Ibisbill (Ivan Turkovskiy).

more video...

unidentified birds


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Igor Fefelov: Circus macrourus|pygargus|cyaneus


Анна Ясько: На 2 и 3 фото, действительно, завирушку больше напоминает по контрастности головы и спины.

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