20 635
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351 photographed species of 406 (86%)


Trommel Pjotr

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total species: 240
total photos: 1847
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Eurasian Dipper (2019-12-28)
2. Brown Dipper (2019-12-28)
3. Mistle Thrush (2020-01-02)
4. European Greenfinch (2020-01-02)
5. Brambling (2020-01-02)
6. Ibisbill (2020-01-06)
7. Black-breasted Tit (2020-01-06)
8. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2020-01-17)
9. Corn Bunting (2020-01-17)
10. Yellowhammer (2020-01-17)
11. Great White Egret (2020-01-17)
12. Grey Heron (2020-01-17)
13. Common Mynah (2020-01-17)
14. Pygmy Cormorant (2020-01-17)
15. Crested Lark (2020-01-19)
16. Common Chaffinch (2020-01-19)
17. Tree Sparrow (2020-01-19)
18. Rook (2020-01-19)
19. Eurasian Blackbird (2020-01-21)
20. Great Tit (2020-01-21)
21. Common Sparrowhawk (2020-01-21)
22. Hooded Crow (2020-01-23)
23. Rock Pigeon (2020-01-23)
24. Common Buzzard (2020-01-23)
25. Upland Buzzard (2020-01-27)
26. Eversmann's Redstart (2020-01-29)
27. Great Grey Shrike (2020-01-29)
28. Northern Reed Bunting (2020-01-29)
29. Goosander (2020-01-29)
30. Ruddy Shelduck (2020-01-29)
31. Western Marsh-Harrier (2020-01-29)
32. White-Winged Woodpecker (2020-01-29)
33. Merlin (2020-01-29)
34. Caspian Gull (2020-01-29)
35. Golden Eagle (2020-02-02)
36. Long-tailed Rosefinch (2020-02-02)
37. Red-fronted Serin (2020-02-02)
38. Black-throated Thrush (2020-02-02)
39. Yellow-billed Chough (2020-02-02)
40. Guldenstadt's Redstart (2020-02-02)
41. Common Kestrel (2020-02-05)
42. European Robin (2020-02-05)
43. Long-eared Owl (2020-02-09)
44. Pallas's Gull (2020-02-12)
45. Common Kingfisher (2020-02-12)
46. Common Snipe (2020-02-15)
47. Northern Lapwing (2020-02-15)
48. Bohemian Waxwing (2020-02-15)
49. Black Kite (2020-02-15)
50. Eastern Buzzard (2020-02-15)
51. Rough-legged Buzzard (2020-02-19)
52. Common Shelduck (2020-02-19)
53. Hen Harrier (2020-02-19)
54. Carrion Crow (2020-02-19)
55. Laughing Dove (2020-02-22)
56. Common Starling (2020-02-22)
57. Eurasian Siskin (2020-02-26)
58. Lammergeier (2020-02-29)
59. Pine Bunting (2020-03-02)
60. Masked Wagtail (2020-03-02)
61. Grey-headed Goldfinch (2020-03-02)
62. Isabelline Shrike (2020-03-04)
63. Alpine Swift (2020-03-10)
64. Black-headed Gull (2020-03-13)
65. Eurasian Goldfinch (2020-03-13)
66. Rock Bunting (2020-03-17)
67. Red-mantled Rosefinch (2020-03-17)
68. Eurasian Magpie (2020-03-17)
69. Eurasian Jackdaw (2020-03-17)
70. Common Swift (2020-03-21)
71. Red-rumped Swallow (2020-04-07)
72. Peregrine Falcon (2020-04-20)
73. Eurasian Collared Dove (2020-05-03)
74. Northern House Martin (2020-05-11)
75. Long-tailed Shrike (2020-05-12)
76. Barn Swallow (2020-05-12)
77. House Sparrow (2020-05-12)
78. Turkestan Shrike (2020-05-13)
79. Clamorous Reed Warbler (2020-05-14)
80. Red-backed Shrike (2020-05-15)
81. Common Cuckoo (2020-05-18)
82. Mallard (2020-05-18)
83. Common Moorhen (2020-05-20)
84. Little Bittern (2020-05-20)
85. Black-crowned Night Heron (2020-05-20)
86. Eurasian Roller (2020-05-22)
87. Hoopoe (2020-05-22)
88. Black Tern (2020-05-22)
89. Azure Tit (2020-05-25)
90. Wood Pigeon (2020-05-25)
91. Indian Golden Oriole (2020-05-25)
92. Hume's Warbler (2020-05-27)
93. Common Pheasant (2020-05-29)
94. Lesser Grey Shrike (2020-05-29)
95. Great Cormorant (2020-05-29)
96. Common Coot (2020-06-01)
97. Great Crested Grebe (2020-06-01)
98. Black-winged Stilt (2020-06-01)
99. Ferruginous Duck (2020-06-01)
100. Common Tern (2020-06-01)
101. Common Redshank (2020-06-01)
102. European Bee-eater (2020-06-08)
103. Little Tern (2020-06-12)
104. Green Sandpiper (2020-06-12)
105. Blue Whistling Thrush (2020-06-13)
106. Common Greenshank (2020-06-20)
107. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2020-07-09)
108. Common Chiffchaff (2020-09-14)
109. Grey Wagtail (2020-09-14)
110. White Wagtail (2020-09-14)
111. Himalayan Vulture (2020-09-20)
112. Spotted Flycatcher (2020-09-24)
113. Tree Pipit (2020-09-24)
114. Lesser Whitethroat (2020-09-24)
115. Wallcreeper (2020-11-07)
116. White-browed Tit-Warbler (2020-11-07)
117. Cinereous Vulture (2020-11-07)
118. Blue-capped Redstart (2020-11-07)
119. Northern Wren (2020-11-07)
120. Red-crested Pochard (2020-11-24)
121. Goldcrest (2020-12-28)
122. Bearded Tit (2020-12-30)
123. Chukar Partridge (2021-01-01)
124. Northern Goshawk (2021-01-01)
125. Mute Swan (2021-01-02)
126. Horned Lark (2021-01-02)
127. Black-Necked Grebe (2021-01-02)
128. Red-billed Chough (2021-01-02)
129. Brown Accentor (2021-01-02)
130. Long-legged Buzzard (2021-01-03)
131. Rock Sparrow (2021-01-05)
132. Yellow-breasted Tit (2021-01-06)
133. Black-tailed Godwit (2021-04-03)
134. Greater Spotted Eagle (2021-04-03)
135. Osprey (2021-04-03)
136. Northern Shoveler (2021-04-03)
137. Gadwall (2021-04-03)
138. Garganey (2021-04-03)
139. Eurasian Wigeon (2021-04-03)
140. Bluethroat (2021-04-03)
141. Citrine Wagtail (2021-04-03)
142. Pied Wheatear (2021-04-03)
143. Little Ringed Plover (2021-04-03)
144. Pied Avocet (2021-04-03)
145. Common Teal (2021-04-03)
146. Little Grebe (2021-04-08)
147. Sky Lark (2021-04-09)
148. Lesser Kestrel (2021-04-09)
149. Common Stonechat (2021-04-30)
150. White-winged Tern (2021-05-07)
151. Paddyfield Warbler (2021-05-07)
152. Common Sandpiper (2021-05-07)
153. Wood Sandpiper (2021-05-07)
154. Ruff (2021-05-07)
155. Temminck's Stint (2021-05-07)
156. Little Bustard (2021-05-07)
157. Rosy Starling (2021-05-07)
158. Shikra (2021-05-08)
159. Spanish Sparrow (2021-05-08)
160. Red-headed Bunting (2021-05-08)
161. Isabelline Wheatear (2021-05-08)
162. Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush (2021-05-08)
163. Glossy Ibis (2021-05-08)
164. Calandra Lark (2021-05-08)
165. Eurasian Hobby (2021-05-08)
166. Oriental Turtle Dove (2021-05-08)
167. Common Nightingale (2021-05-25)
168. European Turtle Dove (2021-05-29)
169. Sand Martin (2021-06-12)
170. Northern Wheatear (2021-06-12)
171. Pale Sand Martin (2021-06-12)
172. Indian Sparrow (2021-06-16)
173. Spotted Redshank (2021-06-30)
174. Eurasian Crag Martin (2021-07-05)
175. Gull-billed Tern (2021-07-08)
176. Marsh Sandpiper (2021-07-08)
177. Collared Pratincole (2021-07-08)
178. Curlew Sandpiper (2021-07-08)
179. Little Stint (2021-07-08)
180. Montagu's Harrier (2021-07-23)
181. Griffon Vulture (2021-07-23)
182. Short-toed Snake-Eagle (2021-07-26)
183. Egyptian Vulture (2021-07-26)
184. Booted Eagle (2021-07-26)
185. Greenish Warbler (2021-08-12)
186. Blyth's Reed Warbler (2021-08-16)
187. Crested Honey-Buzzard (2021-08-21)
188. Red-necked Phalarope (2021-08-26)
189. Pacific Golden Plover (2021-08-26)
190. Northern Pintail (2021-09-01)
191. Yellow Wagtail (2021-09-06)
192. Greater Short-toed Lark (2021-09-06)
193. Tufted Duck (2021-09-25)
194. White-headed Duck (2021-09-29)
195. Black Redstart (2021-10-09)
196. Steppe Eagle (2021-10-18)
197. Eurasian Linnet (2021-10-19)
198. Steppe Grey Shrike (2021-10-24)
199. Spotted Nutcracker (2021-10-30)
200. Eastern Rock Nuthatch (2021-11-02)
201. Twite (2021-11-02)
202. Common Pochard (2021-11-03)
203. Water Pipit (2021-11-03)
204. Smew (2021-12-03)
205. Common Goldeneye (2021-12-03)
206. Dalmatian Pelican (2021-12-22)
207. Coal Tit (2022-01-08)
208. Short-eared Owl (2022-01-12)
209. Cetti's Warbler (2022-04-30)
210. Common Rosefinch (2022-05-09)
211. Ruddy Turnstone (2022-05-18)
212. Black-headed Wagtail (2022-05-18)
213. Lesser Sand Plover (2022-05-22)
214. White-winged Snowfinch (2022-05-22)
215. White-crowned Penduline Tit (2022-05-26)
216. Blue Rock Thrush (2022-06-08)
217. Greater Flamingo (2022-06-13)
218. Black-throated Accentor (2022-06-23)
219. Common Whitethroat (2022-06-23)
220. Caspian Tern (2022-06-24)
221. Common Oystercatcher (2022-06-29)
222. Grey-necked Bunting (2022-07-16)
223. Tawny Pipit (2022-07-16)
224. Eurasian Curlew (2022-08-20)
225. Eurasian Golden Plover (2022-08-20)
226. White-throated Needletail (2022-08-20)
227. Common Raven (2022-09-27)
228. Solitary Snipe (2022-09-27)
229. Dunlin (2022-10-01)
230. White-winged Grosbeak (2022-11-09)
231. Greater Scaup (2022-11-28)
232. Red-breasted Merganser (2023-02-08)
233. Whooper Swan (2023-02-08)
234. Little Owl (2023-02-09)
235. Meadow Bunting (2023-02-09)
236. Eurasian Spoonbill (2023-02-20)
237. Hill Pigeon (2023-03-11)
238. Eurasian Bittern (2023-03-22)
239. Demoiselle Crane (2023-03-31)
240. Hodgson's Rosefinch (2023-07-30)

recent uploads

2023-09-03. Lesser Whitethroat, Greenish Warbler.

2023-08-27. Twite, Common Stonechat, Little Stint.

2023-08-22. Common Sparrowhawk.

2023-08-16. White-tailed Sea-Eagle, Eurasian Roller, Rosy Starling, Red-necked Phalarope, Spotted Flycatcher.

2023-08-09. Common Cuckoo, European Bee-eater.

2023-08-04. Hodgson's Rosefinch, Himalayan Vulture, Red-billed Chough, Horned Lark, Black Kite.

2023-08-03. Common Raven, Common Swift, Long-legged Buzzard, Black Kite, White-winged Snowfinch, Lammergeier, Water Pipit, Eurasian Linnet, Golden Eagle, Guldenstadt's Redstart, Citrine Wagtail, Himalayan Vulture, Cinereous Vulture, Common Kestrel, Common Redshank, Mallard, Common Sandpiper.

2023-07-25. Red-rumped Swallow, Northern House Martin, Oriental Turtle Dove.

2023-07-22. Sand Martin, Eurasian Hobby, Collared Pratincole, Curlew Sandpiper, Common Starling.

2023-07-10. Black Tern.

2023-07-08. Shikra, Wood Sandpiper, Ruff.

2023-06-22. Black-crowned Night Heron, Red-rumped Swallow, Wood Pigeon.

2023-06-10. Red-fronted Serin.

2023-06-07. Rock Bunting, Common Rosefinch.

2023-06-06. Isabelline Wheatear, Northern Wheatear, Blue Whistling Thrush, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Common Whitethroat.

recent comments

2023-11-23. to photo # 00400054701 (Northern Reed Bunting)

Филип Кампо: Dear Anna, two years afterwards, I absolutely agree with you. I am changing it now.

2023-11-20. to photo # 00400054701 (Northern Reed Bunting)

Анна Ясько: The red-brown lesser coverts of wing stand out well here. Also the rump is grey. I think there's a Reed Bunting here, 1-st winter male.

2023-08-28. to photo # 00400111502 (Twite)

Pjotr Trommel: Ok thanks, I will change it to that.

2023-08-27. to photo # 00400111502 (Twite)

Анна Ясько: Андрей Коваленко подсказал - горная чечетка Acanthis flavirostris. Я думаю, это наиболее подходящий вариант по окрасу крыла, хвоста и форме клюва.

2023-08-27. to photo # 00400111502 (Twite)

Pjotr Trommel: Thanks for searching

2023-08-27. to photo # 00400111502 (Twite)

Pjotr Trommel: I added one, but almost the same, a bit different at the beak

2023-08-26. to photo # 00400111501 (Twite)

Анна Ясько: ВОзможно, здесь жаворонок. Переношу на определение.

2023-08-16. to photo # 00400111803 (Water Pipit)

Pjotr Trommel: Ok, thanks, I will change it to water pipit

2023-08-09. to photo # 00400111803 (Water Pipit)

Андрей Коваленко: Горный.

2023-08-09. to photo # 00400111501 (Twite)

Анна Ясько: Есть ли еще фото этой птицы? Не похоже на самку чечевицы, у которой есть зеленоватые тона в окрасе верха, глаз крупнее.

2023-08-09. to photo # 00400111801 (Water Pipit)

Анна Ясько: Очень мало пестрин в окрасе низа. На боку пестрин совсем нет. Клюв очень тонкий. Мне кажется, что здесь не лесной конек, а другой вид. Как вариант, [....]

2023-05-17. to photo # 00400107801 (Black Tern)

Philippe Campeau: WOW!

2023-04-19. to photo # 00400105001 (Tree Pipit)

Pjotr Trommel: Hi Philippe, yes probably. I will change the species

2023-04-19. to photo # 00400105001 (Tree Pipit)

Philippe Campeau: Hi Peter. I see a tree pipit, with the very faint marking on the flanks (see here). Meadow's flank barring should be equal to the breast's (see here). [....]

2023-03-29. to photo # 00400101904 (Bohemian Waxwing)

Pjotr Trommel: More then 75 waxwings today in Kaska Suu

2023-03-22. to photo # 00400101401 (Eurasian Bittern)

Ирина Романовская: Потрясающе!!!

2023-03-16. to photo # 00400100501 (Long-tailed Rosefinch)

Ирина Романовская: Чудо!

2023-03-11. to photo # 00400100102 (Hill Pigeon)

Jérémie Berlioux: Nice find.

2023-03-07. to photo # 00400099201 (Yellow-breasted Tit)

Philippe Campeau: Very nice!

2023-02-21. to photo # 00400095501 (Crested Lark)

Анна Ясько: Хохлатый жаворонок Galerida cristata. Очень длинный клюв.

2023-02-14. to photo # 00400096503 (Twite)

Philippe Campeau: Indeed, twite! Never seen them there.

2023-02-11. to photo # 00400096501 (Twite)

Pjotr Trommel: or maybe Twite?

2023-02-11. to photo # 00400096501 (Twite)

Pjotr Trommel: There was group of around 30-40 small birds at the reservoir. No good pictures, but probably Mongolian finch.

2023-01-22. to photo # 00400093003 (Long-eared Owl)

Pjotr Trommel: Some Hooded Crows were disturbing the Owls, they flew around for a while, before they went back to rest

2023-01-16. to photo # 00400091201 (Eastern Buzzard)

Анна Ясько: Да, с уверенностью можно только сказать, что красив. А в остальном...Кстати, по окрасу хвоста похож на вот этого тоже красавца. [....]

rare birds records

Taiga Flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)

© Neil and Lucy Rogers
Chong Kemin

The first confirmed record of the Taiga Flycatcher in Kyrgyzstan.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Jérémie Berlioux

First record in Kyrgyzstan.

White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)

© Pjotr Trommel
Ozyornoye, Bishkek

Very likely to be the first encounter in Kyrgyzstan, with vagrants recorded in neighbouring Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescens)

© Tatiana Menshikova
Mikhaylovka, Issyk-kul region

The first confirmed record in the Kyrgyz Republic

more rarities...

recent video

2023-07-15. Indian Golden Oriole (Gennadii Zakirov), Eurasian Magpie (Gennadii Zakirov).

2021-10-26. Little Owl (Katherine Hall).

2021-03-15. Common Buzzard (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2021-03-13. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Viacheslav Prudskikh).

2018-04-11. Grey-headed Goldfinch (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-11-16. Black-breasted Tit (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-05. Little Owl (Ivan Turkovskiy), Common Kingfisher (Ivan Turkovskiy).

2017-09-03. Ibisbill (Ivan Turkovskiy).

more video...

unidentified birds


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Igor Fefelov: Circus macrourus|pygargus|cyaneus


Анна Ясько: На 2 и 3 фото, действительно, завирушку больше напоминает по контрастности головы и спины.

more unidentified birds...