
Best photos of the month, March 2023.

White-tailed Sea-Eagle | Grigory Khasanov | 8

Red-fronted Serin | Myrzabek Ozubekov | 7

Red-billed Chough | Myrzabek Ozubekov | 6

Lammergeier | Myrzabek Ozubekov | 6

Western Marsh-Harrier | Pjotr Trommel | 6

Ibisbill | Pjotr Trommel | 6

Common Snipe | Jérémie Berlioux | 6

White-Winged Woodpecker | Gennadii Zakirov | 6

White-tailed Sea-Eagle | Irina Romanovskaia | 5

Common Stonechat | Irina Romanovskaia | 5

House Sparrow | Myrzabek Ozubekov | 5

Cinereous Vulture | Myrzabek Ozubekov | 5

Yellow-breasted Tit | Pjotr Trommel | 5

Bohemian Waxwing | Pjotr Trommel | 5

Demoiselle Crane | Pjotr Trommel | 5

Eastern Buzzard | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Bluethroat | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Blue-capped Redstart | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Eversmann's Redstart | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Long-tailed Rosefinch | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Common Snipe | Jérémie Berlioux | 5

Yellowhammer | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Northern Shoveler | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Ibisbill | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Red-crested Pochard | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Isabelline Wheatear | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Little Ringed Plover | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Ruddy Shelduck | Irina Romanovskaia | 4

Long-tailed Rosefinch | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Grey-headed Goldfinch | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Common Chiffchaff | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Alpine Swift | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Pied Wheatear | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Common Snipe | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Isabelline Shrike | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

White-Winged Woodpecker | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Bohemian Waxwing | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Red-mantled Rosefinch | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Hodgson's Rosefinch | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Blue-capped Redstart | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Black-Necked Grebe | Elena Mikolaichuk | 4

Yellowhammer | Vasilii Bastaev | 4

Bluethroat | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Long-tailed Rosefinch | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Bohemian Waxwing | Pjotr Trommel | 4

Water Rail | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Long-tailed Rosefinch | Jérémie Berlioux | 4

Demoiselle Crane | Pjotr Trommel | 4



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rare birds records

Taiga Flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)

© Neil and Lucy Rogers
Chong Kemin

The first confirmed record of the Taiga Flycatcher in Kyrgyzstan.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Jérémie Berlioux

First record in Kyrgyzstan.

White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)

© Pjotr Trommel
Ozyornoye, Bishkek

Very likely to be the first encounter in Kyrgyzstan, with vagrants recorded in neighbouring Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescens)

© Tatiana Menshikova
Mikhaylovka, Issyk-kul region

The first confirmed record in the Kyrgyz Republic

unidentified birds


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